Posted: Thu 8th Aug 2024

Housing Development in Knighton to Have Fewer Bedrooms After Planning Permission Tweaks /

LESS people will be able to live in a long awaited housing development in Knighton as tweaks to the agreed planning permission will reduce the number of bedrooms there.
In June, Powys County Council received a non-material amendment planning application from Marton based SJ Construction to make changes to the detailed reserved matters planning permission for 18 homes at a former factory site on West street which was approved by planning officers back in February 2020.
The new scheme lodged with the council is to allow the previously agreed details of the “fenestration,” external materials and internal alterations to be made.
This is so that the home would comply with the Welsh Development Quality Requirements (WDQR) 2021.
The new proposal sees changes in the number of bedrooms for houses on some of the plots.
The scheme will see plots one to six change from six two bedroom dwellings and become two two bedroom and four one bedroom dwellings.
Plots nine to 12 were supposed to be three three bedroom dwellings and one two bedroom dwelling, and they will now become four two bedroom dwellings in a terrace.
Plots 13 to 15 were all to be three bedroom dwellings but will now be two three bedroom dwellings and one two bedroom dwelling.
A cycle storage building which was part of three bedroom apartments in plots 16 to 18 will now be detached and become a separate building.
Planning officer Rhian Griffiths said: “The impact from this is not considered to be any different.
“Whilst the number of bedrooms across the development will reduce, the number of dwellings will remain the same.
“The visual appearance of the development will change, it is not considered to be unacceptable, and it is therefore not considered that the scale of the changes is great enough to cause any different impact.
“Given the nature of the amendments, and in considering the above, it is not considered that the proposed amendment would materially affect the consented scheme.”
Due to this she approved the application.
The site has been earmarked for development for a long time and outline plans had originally been approved back in 2007.
This was extended three times in 2012, as well as in 2015 and 2018. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

By BBC LDRS ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

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