A545 Menai Bridge – Overnight Resurfacing Works
The Highways Authority has arranged works to resurface a section of the A545 Menai Bridge High Street, from the lay-by outside Glyn Davies’s Gallery/Shop to the entrance to the Waun car park.
The intention is to start the works on Monday 22/02/16 and it will take up to 7 days to complete. Hogan Ltd have been appointed to carry out the resurfacing works.
Menai Bridge town centre is a sensitive and busy location, and therefore in order to minimise congestion, delays and inconvenience for local businesses as well as facilitating deliveries, we intend to undertake the works overnight from 20:00-06:00.
Unfortunately, this will create some noise and inconvenience to nearby residents, but the works are very much required and there is no ideal time to resurface the road. We will be delivering letters to the residents and businesses along the affected section of road.
We would like apologise for any inconvenience that may be incurred.
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