Carl Sargeant Announces Extension To PaCe Programme
A programme jointly funded by Welsh Government and the EU, which helps parents who are out of work access education, employment or training opportunities will be extended to 31 March 2020, Communities and Children’s Secretary Carl Sargeant announced today.
The £13.5 million Parents, Childcare and Employment (PaCE) programme targets parents who face childcare barriers which prevent them accessing education, employment or training opportunities.
Across Wales there is a network of 43 PaCE advisers in community settings, helping people find a variety of solutions to overcome childcare barriers so that they can move towards and into sustainable employment. Jointly delivered by the Welsh Government and the Department for Work and Pensions, the programme, builds upon services offered via Flying Start and Families First. PaCE operates outside Communities First areas to complement other projects such as Communities for Work and Lift.
Cabinet Secretary Carl Sargeant visited the YMCA in Barry, from which a PaCE adviser works twice a week, to announce the extension to the programme.
Carl Sargeant said:
“We know there are a number of barriers that can prevent parents entering work including the availability of jobs with flexible or suitable working hours and the cost of quality childcare.
“We want to help create resilient communities where people are ready and able to work.
“To date, PaCE advisers have been very effective in finding a variety of solutions to overcome childcare barriers, including encouraging employers to consider employing PaCE participants on a part time basis to accommodate childcare commitments.
“I am therefore pleased to announced the PaCE programme will be extended to 31 March 2020, supporting more out-of-work parents to overcome the barriers to employment.”
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