Annual Report On ‘Social Services’
Over the last 9 months, we have been carrying out a review in order to find out how effective we have been during 2015 / 2016 in providing and improving both our Adult and Children’s Social Services. Following this period of review, the Chief Officer (Statutory Director) of Social Services has produced a draft report that details:
- How good we believe we are in meeting the needs of the community (based on the evidence we have gathered);
- Our key strengths and achievements;
- Key priorities in order to ensure continued improvement.
What is the consultation about and how can I get involved?
Before the Director can complete the final report, we wish to consult with residents and service users across the County Borough, staff, partner organisations and other interested parties, in order to find out whether you are in agreement with the content of the report.
You can view the Annual Report on Social Services via our website at or
Once you have had an opportunity to read the report, we would very much like to know what you think. You can do this by completing the on-line questionnaire. Alternatively, you can request a printed copy of the report by contacting us on 01685 725052 or emailing:
These documents will be made available in other languages and formats upon request.
What happens next?
The period of consultation will take place between 4 and 30 April 2016. Following this, all feedback received will be carefully considered and used to inform the final report. This will be publically available by August 2016.
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