Posted: Tue 16th Apr 2024

Conditional Approval Given to Application for Slurry Lagoon Near Boncath Village /
This article is old - Published: Tuesday, Apr 16th, 2024

An application for a slurry lagoon near the north Pembrokeshire village of Boncath has been conditionally approved by county planners.
A H & V F Picton sought permission for a slurry lagoon and associated works at 230-acre Ty Mawr Farm, a mixed farm of a herd of dairy cattle plus followers, beef cattle, and sheep, some 150 metres north of Boncath.
A supporting statement by agent Cynllunio RW Planning Ltd said: “The proposed development seeks to increase the farms slurry storage capacity to above the five-month storage required by NVZ regulations. The existing slurry store and slurry handling facilities are not adequate to comply with the new regulations.”
It stressed the applicant does not intend to increase livestock numbers on farm as a result of the 48 by 30 metre development.
It added: “The lagoon proposed will have very low banks and as such the proposal will not be visible from the surrounding area.  The proposed will be screened by the adjacent building and hedgerow and will have no adverse impact on the landscape in line with relevant policies of the Pembrokeshire LDP.”
One letter of objection to the scheme was received by planners, raising concerns including potential noise, odour, and the impact on property value for their property and properties within the wider village of Boncath.
An officer report said: “It is considered that the location of the development, within a rural setting, is appropriate and sustainable.
“The development allows the operation of the existing farm business and results in positive economic, social benefits and improved welfare facilities. It is considered that sufficient need is evidenced and that the lagoon is justified.”
The application was conditionally approved. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

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