Inspection report published for Penygarn Primary School
A recent inspection conducted by Estyn, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales, on Penygarn Primary School during November2015, provided an overall judgement on the school’s current performance and on its prospects for improvement.
The report has judged the school’s current performance as ‘Adequate’ and its prospects for improvement as ‘Good’.
The school’s current performance is adequate because:
- Many pupils’ standards have significantly improved in most areas over the last two years
- The school has rigorous and effective procedures to ensure that teacher assessment of pupils’ work is accurate
- Many pupils make good progress in the development of their skills as they move through the school
- Almost all pupils enjoy coming to school and take pride in being members of the school community
- There are successful procedures for promoting good behaviour
- The school makes good use of a wide range of external agencies and services to provide purposeful guidance and support for staff, pupils and parents
- The school is a caring, supportive community that promotes pupils’ health and wellbeing successfully
- Many pupils’ standards are below those expected for their age and ability
- Most pupils do not apply their literacy and numeracy skills across all subject areas effectively
- Most pupils’ information and communication technology skills (ICT) are underdeveloped
- The overall rates of attendance are often lower than those in similar schools
The school’s prospects for improvement are good because:
- The headteacher provides strong and effective leadership to a committed team of staff
- The senior management team have high expectations of themselves and of the staff and pupils, and they communicate these successfully
- The governing body undertakes its statutory duties well
- Leaders are continually reviewing and improving the school’s procedures for self evaluation
- The school is beginning to develop a track record for making necessary and effective improvements
- The school fosters a wide range of useful partnerships that contribute well to improving the provision for pupils
- The school works well with parents to improve outcomes for pupils
Cllr David Yeowell, Torfaen’s Executive Member for education services said: ‘This positive inspection report for Penygarn Primary is in line with the Education Service evaluation of the school. The report highlight’s the strong leadership of the school, and it’s supportive staff. Pupils’ standards have improved over the last 2 years; however we know there are further improvements to be made. The Education Service will continue to work with the school to ensure these improvements are made regarding the recommendations given.’
Recommendations from inspectors were to improve pupils’ extended writing and numeracy skills across the curriculum, particularly in key stage 2, raise standards in ICT, improve attendance, improve the provision for developing pupils’ understanding of the Welsh dimension and to ensure that teaching is consistently good in all classes.
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