Posted: Thu 19th Sep 2024

Labour-Led Council Initiates Campaign to Encourage Pension Credit Uptake /

A LABOUR council will lead a drive to encourage take up of Pension Credit due to the means testing of the Winter Fuel Payments. 
The new Labour government in Westminster announced this summer it would only make the payments, worth between £100 and £300, to those pensioners receiving Pension Credit, and some other benefits. 
Independent councillors for Blaenavon, Janet Jones and Nick Horler, had wanted Torfaen Borough Council to request the UK Government overturn its decision, warning it would lead to some local pensioners having to chose between heating and eating and placing further pressures on the health service. 
However they agreed to an amendment to the motion they had put before the full council’s September which removed criticism of the Labour government’s decision, but still noted the concern, and recognised Pension Credit is an “under claimed benefit”. 
The amendment, put forward by the Labour council’s cabinet member for social services David Daniels, called for “all levels of government to undertake a national campaign” to encourage take up of Pension Credit and also committed the council to a “local effort to encourage Torfaen residents to apply for the benefit.” 
Cllr Danies, who represents Cwmbran’s Pontnewydd ward, said: “The principal of universality has long been dispensed with for my generation and it’s indefensible millionaires and the very wealthy are getting this money.” 
He said the amendment was intended to find “common ground” across the council and recognise concern for those just above the income threshold which for couples is an income of less than £332.95 a week, which is £17,313 a year, or £218.15 for single pensioners or £11,343 over a year.   
His amendment also recognised the retention of the “triple lock” protection on pensions means they will rise by £900 this year and £460 next year. 
The council’s Labour leader, Panteg councillor Anthony Hunt, said it was “good councillors can push the take up of Pension Credit” which he said can help pensioners receive support “above and beyond” the winter payments. 
He also reminded councillors the Pension Credit Claim line phone number is 0800 99 1234 which can help people in making a claim and he also said councillors will be provided with information to assist people in making claims. 
Independent councillors Giles Davies and Elizabeth Haynes and Reform UK member Alan Slade voted against changing the original motion and the revised wording.
It is estimated some 15,400 people, which is 85 per cent of pensioners in Torfaen, could miss out on the payments due to the decision which Labour chancellor Rachel Reeves blamed on what she called £22 billion black whole in government finances from the previous Conservative administration. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

By BBC LDRS ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

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