Posted: Sat 15th Oct 2016

Campaign To Search For New Families To Be Launched /
This article is old - Published: Saturday, Oct 15th, 2016

A campaign to find new families for some of the most vulnerable children in the regional is being launched later this month. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

National Adoption Week kicks off on Monday 17 October and the Mid and West Wales Adoption Service is launching the campaign. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

This year’s theme is #SupportAdoption and at the heart of the campaign is the aim to demystify the adoption process while reflecting the challenges of adoptive parenting and encouraging people to consider becoming adoptive parents. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

The service welcomes applications from people from all walks of life but is particularly keen to hear from people interested in adopting sibling groups and older children. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

Cllr Graham Brown, Powys County Council’s Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, said: “Many people rule themselves out as they do not think they have got what it takes. The truth is that all kinds of people make good adoptive parents and it doesn’t matter whether you are married, single or co-habiting, with or without children of your own. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

“We’re appealing to those interested to come forward and find out more.” It is important to have space not just in your home, but in your life as well. Other important qualities include patience, flexibility, a good sense of humour and ‘stickability’.” ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

National Adoption Week is a nationwide campaign aiming to raise awareness of adoption and encourage potential parents to come forward. There are an estimated 4,000 children across the UK needing adoption every year, many of whom will have suffered trauma in their short lives. ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

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