Posted: Sat 9th Dec 2023

Final Decision Pending on Plans for Flats in Tonypandy /
This article is old - Published: Saturday, Dec 9th, 2023

A final decision is due to be made on plans for a block of flats in the centre of Tonypandy.
The application for 20 one and two-bed flats at the former Royal Naval Association Club on Court Street are going back before councillors for the strengths and weaknesses of refusing it against officers’ recommendations to be considered.
Back in October, Rhondda Cynon Taf’s planning committee voted that they were minded to refuse the application despite officers recommending approval.
Members raised concerns in respect of off-street parking provision, the lack of on-site parking provision, the prematurity of the development and that the scheme would constitute an over development of the site.
It was decided to defer deciding the application for a further report to highlight the potential strengths and weaknesses of taking a decision contrary to officer recommendation.
This application has since been revised down from 22 flats to 20 since the October meeting and  the top floor has been removed entirely, so that the development would be arranged over five floors.
It would be made up of a basement with thirteen parking spaces, bin store, cycle store, plant room and a vehicle entrance to the car park, a ground floor with two one-bed and three two-bed flats, landscaping, cycle store and main pedestrian entrances from Court Street, a first floor with three one-bed and two two-bed flats, a second floor with three one-bed and two two-bed flats and a third floor with three one-bed and two two-bed flats.
A further public consultation was done and responses were received raising concern over parking, privacy, natural light and access.
It was noted that the proposal would still be very close to the boundary and a very large invasive form of development.
A further email was received from another resident, reiterating the numerous
objections submitted in their original consultation response.
The planning report said that if members considered the changes were insufficient to allay concerns regarding off-street parking provision, on-site amenity space for future residents and that the scale of the scheme would still constitute an overdevelopment, these reasons for refusal were suggested: “By virtue of its scale and location the proposed scheme is considered to represent an overdevelopment of the site which would be harmful to the form
and appearance of the surrounding built environment and local character.
“In addition, the development would provide insufficient off-street parking
provision, resulting in overspill to neighbouring streets where there is already
high on-street parking demand, to the detriment of highway safety and free flow of traffic.
“Furthermore, the development would not be considered to provide adequate onsite amenity space for the benefit and well-being of future applicants, whilst that located closest to the site would not be conveniently located.”
So development would be considered not to comply with certain policies of the Rhondda Cynon Taf Local Development Plan, or the council’s supplementary planning guidance for both access, circulation and parking requirements and the development of flats.
But planning officers have also suggested a reason for approval if the changes are enough to outweigh previous concerns which would say that the application site occupies a highly sustainable location where both PPW11 (Planning Policy Wales 11) and FW2040 (Future Wales 2040) support the principle of growth and where the LDP presumes in favour of residential development.
It would say: “The proposed market apartments would be an appropriate land use, given the surrounding residential development; would regenerate a long vacant brownfield site in a prominent position and would contribute to the variety of the local housing mix.
“The development is therefore considered to align with the relevant policies of
the Local Development Plan, would be acceptable in respect of its visual impact and any impact upon the amenity and privacy of the neighbouring residential properties, and would not be harmful to highway safety.” ‌​‌​‌​​​‍‌​‌​​‌‌‌‍‌​‌‌​​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌‌​​

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