Plans Lodged to Build 22 Homes on Former Bowls Hall Site in Abertillery
PLANS to build 22 homes at the site of a former bowls hall in Abertillery have been lodged with Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council planners.
The proposal by Melin Homes is for a mixture of flats and houses at the site just off Vivian Street in the town.
Registered social landlord, Melin Homes want to build 14 one-bedroom flats, four two-bedroom flats, three two-bedroom houses, and one two-bedroom bungalow with the necessary access, engineering, and associated works at the site.
Agents Asbri Planning Limited, explained the proposal in a planning statement.
The statement read: “The proposals comprise an exciting opportunity to develop a vacant land parcel in a sustainable location.
“The site is previously developed brownfield land.
“The principle of developing the site for residential purposes is fully established.”
Asbri believe that the development “would positively contribute” to the street scene and would “relate sympathetically” to existing homes in the area.
The statement continued: “The development will advance the residential character of the surrounding area whilst delivering affordable housing.
“A strong network of Green Infrastructure is proposed in the form of open
spaces and woodland features, street trees, private gardens and
sustainable drainage systems.”
Asbri believes this green “network” will provide recreational space for communities to thrive, create habitats for wildlife, improve water quality and promote urban liveability.
The statement said: “The application’s approval would provide a quality development that would complement and enhance the existing and growing residential context of this area of Abertillery.
The proposal includes provision for 30 car parking spaces for residents and a further 10 spaces for visitors.
Space for up to 24 bikes would be provided which would also allow residents from the flats to have designated cycle spaces.
A decision by Blaenau Gwent planners is expected by December 19 and a sustainable drainage application (SuDS) will also need to be approved before building work can start.
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